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Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India
Hello friends..!! I'm Gopi Dervaliya, a student of English Literature, pursuing M.A from Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.I've completed graduation from Gandhi Mahila College,S.N.D.T Women's University, Bhavnagar and I've also completed B.ed from District Institute of Teachers Education and Training Center(DIET),Sidsar, Bhavnagar. My all blogs are about English literature and language.

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Bridge Course : Wordsworth's Preface

21 August, 2022

     Hello friends, here I am going to write a blog on Wordsworth's Preface. Which is assigned by Dilip Barad sir.

 ∆ what is the basic difference between the poetic creed of 'Classicism' and 'Romanticism' ?

→  Classicism and Romanticism are two ideologies.

→  We talk about Classicism, it was a period in which intellect was considered to be the ruling guiding principle.Ex. Pope, Dryden. They were considered to the neo Classicism and they believed in intellect. Their poetry was an intellectual.

→  Whenever we talk about Romantic poetry of Wordsworth, Keats it is again instead intellect we find imagination. Imagination is the guiding principle. Their poetry is highly imaginative.

→  In Neo classical restrained was the ruling world the believed that they should be restrained.

→   Whereas Romantic poet did not believe in any kind of restrained. They believed in liberty, freedom.

→  During the neo classical period we find a different kind of literature in which city of urban life is represented you read the plays of Congreve.Ex. You read the poetry of Pope, Dryden. We find that they represented city or urban life in their poetry and drama.

→   But Wordsworth, Shelly, Keats we find that is the rustic life is the country side that attracts them most. They seen the glory of thehe rustic life.

→    Classical poets believed in objectivity whereas romantic poetry is basically subjective.

∆ Why does Wordsworth say 'what' is poet ? rather than who is poet ?

→ According to Wordsworth  poet as a man of more comprehensive soul. A poet is different from other men, because he has a more lively sensibility.And his emotions are more powerful. He has a greater knowledge of human nature. The poet is a man speaking to men.

     He is a man speaking to men: a man, it is true, endowed with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness, who has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to commonamong mankind.

    Other thing is the insight of the poet is higher than other people. That is why, a poet can create new ideas and present them to us with images and symbols. 

∆ what is poetic diction? which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his Preface ?

 What is poetic diction :

     Poetic diction means choice of words a choice of words which then lends a unique style for each individual poet or author.He defines poetic diction as a language of common men. It is not the language of the poet as a class but the language of mankind. It is the simple expression of pure passions by men living close to nature. 

     Wordsworth said that he is not really satisfied by what goes on in the name of poetry Lyrical Ballad, he was attacking the neo Classicism mode of writing poetry and in the preface he mentions that, that way of writing that diction was inane that was highly  unnecessarily ornamental this education was only limited to city dwellers again the distinction between the country life and country side.

   He then says that he is interested in writing these poems and lyrical ballads in the language as really used by men.

   Wordsworth has an answer in the preface he says that he find humblel and the rustic life. Wordsworth applies the “real language of men”. He has selected it to communicate and connect it with the other men and common people. He further adds that the selection of the common language can add “vivid sensation” and “pleasure” to the readers as each and every poem has its own “purpose” to share and evoke “pleasure” to the readers.

∆ What is poetry :

→ Wordsworth says that a poet is a man speaking to men, envolved with more lively sensibility.Wordsworth establishes a relation between man and nature in his poetry. Therefore he opines that poetry is the image of man and nature.

      Poetry should express common human feelings and there should be no restriction in the expression of the experiences of the senses and sensibilities. Wordsworth defines poetry as the spontaneous overflow of the powerful feelings.

     Wordsworth establishes a relation between man and nature in his poetry. Therefore he opines that poetry is the image of man and nature. 

∆ Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud' with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.

→ Daffodils is a lyric poem by William Wordsworth.It is one of his most popular, and was inspired by a forest encounter on 15 April 1802 between he, his younger sister Dorothy and a "long belt" of daffodils.

    A four stanzas, first three in past and the last in present. The poem begins with,

  'I wandered lonely as a cloud'

    If you look at it and then the finals and the when it comes that,

   'For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,'

    We can imagine the poet reclining on a couch recollecting his nature walk lake poet very famous for their walk. In

    Now he is in a Vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inword eye. Now that takes it into the present so if we can imagine the poet reclining an a couch  recollecting his nature walk lake poet very famous for their walk the lake district and their he must have seen whole wide stretch of Daffodils and he must have his inward eye, he must have capture that.

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